I have included several different biographies on this page, of under 30, 150, and 250 words each. Each successively longer biography expands on things mentioned in the previous one, so the third has the most extensive information. The first, however, remains an apt and succinct summary. (updated 2014 12 25)
Short (30 words)
Frank S. Li is a composer, writer, and cartographer. He composes music with interesting words, writes poems with interesting rhythms, and makes maps that exist.
For more: http://www.franksli.com
Medium (150 words)
Frank S. Li is a composer, writer, and cartographer. He holds a B.A. in Music Composition and Urban Planning from the University of California, San Diego, an M.F.A. in Composition and Theory from Brandeis University, and works professionally in GIS (geographic information systems). His primary composition mentors include David Rakowski, Eric Chasalow, Lei Liang, and Philippe Manoury.
Frank’s music is eclectic and still ever-changing. He is currently interested in sociopolitical issues, just intonation, eclecticism, and theater, but his past work has explored themes like unreliable narrative and imperfect patterns. His background reflects this well; though beginning as a violinist, he has also since performed as an instrumentalist, vocalist, actor, and conductor in contexts ranging from drum corps to klezmer bands. He is also an author who writes poetry and fiction.
Frank occasionally drinks tea while sitting under trees or next to oceans, and even more occasionally sleeps.
For more: http://www.franksli.com

photography by Eugene Joseph
Long (250 words)
Frank S. Li is a composer, writer, and cartographer. He holds a B.A. In Music Composition and Urban Planning from the University of California, San Diego, an M.F.A. in Composition and Theory from Brandeis University, and works professionally in GIS (geographic information systems). His primary composition teachers include David Rakowski, Eric Chasalow, Lei Liang, and Philippe Manoury.
Frank’s music is eclectic and still ever-changing. He is currently interested in sociopolitical issues, just intonation, eclecticism, and theater, but his past work has explored such varied themes as unreliable narrative, imperfect patterns, and meditation. His background reflects this well; though beginning as a classical violinist, he has also since performed as an instrumentalist, vocalist, actor, and conductor in contexts ranging from drum corps to klezmer bands.
Frank is also an aspiring author who writes poetry and fiction. This work predates his music and explores many of the same themes. He has studied poetry with Elizabeth Bradfield and Olga Broumas, and is currently working on both his a full-length novel and a collection of poetry.
Generally agreed by others to have no knowledge of his own limits, Frank has what could charitably be called “too many interests”. He spends his free time with military and political theory, astronomy, modern art, ancient world history, computer programming, data analysis, mythology, graphic design, and hoping his plants won’t die this time. He also occasionally drinks tea while sitting under trees or next to oceans, and even more occasionally sleeps.
For more: http://www.franksli.com

(L to R, Durwynne Hsieh, Leanna Primiani, a poster of the LCCE members, Frank S. Li)
photography by Jeannette Yu